Happy People

Happy People - A smoking lounge by Arnar Ásgeirsson.
The Lounge offers a selection of objects and artwork that have been selected and created for you to interact with. Mysterious sculptures have been inserted in to funky pipes for you to smoke, consume and inhale fruity flavours. During the exhibition, objects by participating artists was picked out of the space, and inserted into pipes to be smoked, creating a flowing rotation. Each smoking ceremony was supported by live acts and performances.
The Lounge offers a selection of objects and artwork that have been selected and created for you to interact with. Mysterious sculptures have been inserted in to funky pipes for you to smoke, consume and inhale fruity flavours. During the exhibition, objects by participating artists was picked out of the space, and inserted into pipes to be smoked, creating a flowing rotation. Each smoking ceremony was supported by live acts and performances.
Let´s come together, let´s enjoy.
Let´s inhale, deep into our lungs.
Exhale into space,
and then take a moment to contemplate.
Let´s inhale, deep into our lungs.
Exhale into space,
and then take a moment to contemplate.
With works by: Anna Hrund Másdóttir (IS), Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir (IS), Darri Lorenzen (IS), David Bernstein (US), Eggert Pétursson (IS), Eloise Bonneviot (FR), Geirþrúður Einarsdóttir (IS), Guðmundur Thoroddsen (IS), Gustav Wideberg (SE), Gylfi Sigurðsson (IS), Hrafnhildur Helgadóttir (IS), Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir (IS), Hreinn Friðfinnsson (IS), Juan-pedro Fabra Guemberena (UY/SE), Lars TCF Holdhus (NO), Loidys Carnero (CU), Mehraneh Atashi (IR), Yaima Carrazana (CU), Yazan Khalili (PS), Yosuke Amemiya (JP), Žilvinas Landzbergas (LT) and graphic works by Arnar Ásgeirsson & Michel Keppel (NL).
Sound & video installation: Darri Lorenzen (IS).
The Living Art Museum - Reykjavík Iceland 2017.
Sound & video installation: Darri Lorenzen (IS).
The Living Art Museum - Reykjavík Iceland 2017.